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To partner or launch independently! Another dilemma!

We are innovators at heart and our core competence is in solving problems and creating state-of-the-art solutions; even though we have worn several other hats successfully over the years.

Our end goal was to excel at our competencies and strike a partnership that ensures the best for our future customers and us. Hence we were open to licensing and partnership opportunities from the beginning.

But most partnership opportunities that came our way were either lacking in terms of market expertise we were looking for or were playing too safe and were expecting us to launch and gain traction before discussing any possible partnership.

Why would we sell if we have already figured out everything ourselves? 🙂

As the legendary author Mr. Clayton Christenson puts it in his groundbreaking book ‘Innovators Dilemma’, incumbents are often too comfortable with their business and are not inclined to take the risks necessary to stay at the top of their game.

The rational choice of incremental innovation is seldom the right choice for most incumbents but they choose to do precisely that for bureaucratic and structural reasons! From Xerox and Kodak to Google (most recently) – everyone did the same in their own way.

Finally, if we have to go independent, we told ourselves that we will not just build a Hybrid Custody™ solution but we will disrupt the entire Self & Managed Custody ecosystem with our own magic that touches every aspect of it! 🙂

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