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Why did we get into Layer 2s!

I was introduced to Bitcoin pretty late in 2017 by some colleagues as they were debating the true worth of Bitcoin as it soared above 10,000 USD for the first time.

But what caught my attention was not the price but how Bitcoin created a new asset class and how it can supplant Gold in the 21st century.

I dabbled into eCash protocols while in college and even tried to create a system that could work peer-to-peer without the need to connect to a central database for every transaction. As you would have guessed by now, I could not make any progress on such a system, or else you would have heard about me already 🙂

However, this prior stint with eCash protocols helped me grasp the beauty and promise of Bitcoin rather quickly. I was bitten and started researching everything about Bitcoin!

As I learnt more about Bitcoin, I ganged up with a few like-minded friends and wanted to be part of the Bitcoin revolution; but we were not sure how or where to begin!

Back then, many were fighting over Segwit and block sizes while others were hailing Lightning network as a make-or-break technology. 

All this got us thinking – What else can we do with Layer 2 protocols? 

On one hand, Bitcoin seemed unstoppable and on the other hand, many many exchanges were getting hacked. Bitcoin worth Billions was being siphoned out by these hackers leading to a lot of mayhem in the crypto ecosystem. Over and above that, some were losing millions over a junked laptop or a lost piece of paper. All this sounded insane if not ludicrous.

We thought we could do something about it or so did the journey start.

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