Smart Vaults™ vs MultiSig

M of N MultiSig Vaults
Current State of the Art - MultiSig Arrangements assume a lot
- Assume Good Information Security
- That M of N keys cannot be stolen
- That M of N participants will not collude
- That devices and networks are trustworthy
- Assume Good Information Durability
- That M of N keys will never be lost
We make no such assumptions. With patented Layer 2 Technology and Protocols (source available), we make sure that you can recover your Bitcoin (Altcoins & NFTs too) as long as at least one private-key is safe and secure. Magic!

Next-Gen Scalable Security
- Unlocking and Spending from your Smart Vaults™ are distinct events unlike MultiSig Transactions.
- When M private-keys are used to unlock and steal your Bitcoin locked with N private-keys, use any M+1 keys upto N to recover your Bitcoin.
- Stealing becomes impossible unless adversaries have all the N keys.
- Protects against hacks, social engineering, insider fraud, etc.
- Optional on-chain "Out of Band" Authentication & Authorization with Hardware Tokens (proprietary technology).

Supercharged Safety
- Even 1 key is enough (1-to-N of N) to recover your Bitcoin.
- Smart Vaults enables this option without compromising security.
- Useful for disaster management, accidental loss, unexpected death and factors beyond control.